West Point United Methodist Church  © | Privacy Policy


West Point United Methodist Church offers a variety of activities that focus on youth, adults and community outreach. We invite you to join us for one of our upcoming events!

We have reopened our 8:30 AM early service and adult Sunday School class, as well as our 11:00 AM services.

For questions regarding activities please contact us:  admin@westpointumc.com or 804-843-3486 or see our Facebook page.

            WPUMc Preschool Program


We are happy to host West Point Pack 340 her at WPUMC! 



Stop by our thrift shop to donate items or find new treasures, which is now open every Friday,

9:00 AM - Noon, from the first Friday in May through the last Friday in October.

Proceeds from the thrift shop help to support missions of the United Methodist Women. 

Located on 10th & Main. 

Sunday School Classes

The Seekers Adult Sunday School Class meets from 9:30-10:30 AM each Sunday morning in the Seekers Classroom. 

United Methodist Men

 Women of Faith

JOY Group

On Thursday, May 16, the Joy Group will attend the Joyful Voices concert in Richmond. We will leave the church at 9:30 for the 11:00 concert.

We will eat lunch afterwards. Cost is $12.00 for the ticket, your lunch, and gas. Please contact Beth Carpenter by Sunday, May 12th if you would like to join us. We attended last year and the music was delightful.