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West Point United Methodist Church
Preschool Program
West Point United Methodist Church Preschool Academy News:
Our preschoolers have been enjoying all sorts of fun learning experiences: playing in the sensory table, taking care of the baby dolls, making bridges for the cars to go over, learning about the Miracles of Jesus, making the Grinch, being superheroes, making some interesting things out of letters, learning about patterns, counting, walking on stepping stones, talking about Mexico, being peaceful, and playing "Pass the Pickle." They are enjoying parents/guardians coming in to read to them and play games with them. The preschoolers were delighted to have parents and grandparents come in and play a musical instrument. In the spring, our theme will be "Enjoying God's Beautiful World." We will visit community helpers, learn about flowers, look for bugs, enjoy the trees on our nature walk, talk about day and night, and enjoy our friends. We are registering preschoolers for the upcoming school year. For more information please call the church at 804-843-3486 Tuesday-Thursday between 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM. Feel free to email Kate Upshaw, Preschool Director, for additional information or to schedule a tour of our awesome preschool. Her email address is preschool@westpointumc.com.
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